Stella, You're 7 months old already. How did we cross over the halfway hump on our way through the first year?! It makes my heart ache how fast time is going this year with you. You're an absolute joy. You smile at everyone. You just want to make friends everywhere you go, my little Aquarius. You really love to watch people, so much so, that it makes it nearly impossible to nurse you. You'd much rather have a bottle so you can keep an eye on everything going on around you. You have been a great sleeper since birth, with only the normal disruptions during teething and growth spurts. Which by the way, you got your first tooth on August 25th! We saw signs of it coming right around the 1st. But it popped through on the 25th. You poor girl, not only did your cut tooth that week, but Monday, August 24th through Sunday, the 30th you were sick from Roseola. Your fever got to 104.5 for the first 3 days. We were really scared to see you fighting so hard through that fever. Your breathing was labored and you were out of it. You're such a trooper and pulled through though. We didn't get much sleep all that week. Also during that week, I was spending time on and off at the Capitol in Boise for the extraordinary legislative session. I made my first two testimonies that week. One to the House of Reps in a committee hearing on Monday the 24th, and another on Wednesday to the Senate in a committee hearing. I'm working really hard to do my best protect our state and future. I love you and your siblings so much, and I'm really concerned about how things are going in our state and country. You started sitting up on August 19th, and got really good at it within a week. You started your first semester at the Little Gym. It's really fun to work with you in your class, and your teacher, Miss Cat, has been your big sister's teacher since she was 9 or 10 months old. Unfortunately, when we go everyone wears masks, but I don't, so none of the other moms want to be around us or bring their baby near us. I'm really sorry about that. It's a crazy world you have been born into, during a really strange and outrageous year specifically. People are scared. It still makes me sad that this happens at your infant class though. But I promise you, you and I have fun nonetheless, and your teacher is wonderful and is super sweet. She always talks with mom, and comes up to chat with you, and even pops her mask down for a second to peep a smile at you. That makes you light up, because you love seeing other people smile. You've started eating new foods. Avocado was your first food on Aug 16th and then you had peas on the 29th, and sweet potatoes on Sept. 7th. You really like sweet potatoes. You make some funny faces eating avocado and peas. You love eating though. You sit in your high chair at the table with the family, and you're so happy being able to do this now. You're constantly grabbing at everyone's food and drinks, especially Clara's. You want everything she has. She's eager to share with you, so we have to watch that she doesn't give you anything you aren't ready for yet. You're very motivated to eat and try foods, so we're having fun trying more foods out. Well, that's your update for now. You're so dearly loved, sweet girl. Love, Mommy *photos taken 9-13-20, turned 7 mos on 9-12
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