How empowered do you feel when it comes to dealing with political issues? How confident do you feel about understanding government and your rights? Do you fear the government? If you feel like you aren’t sure how to deal with political topics, or don’t understand quite how government works, and aren’t sure you really know your rights, well guess what? You aren’t alone. And it’s pretty much by design. How easy it to gain control over others? It doesn’t happen overnight. This is like the year that a giant red launch button was pushed. Plans were in place. Hell, even the planets are aligned for all this upheaval, pandemic, and chaos going on. So my question, how easy is it to gain control over others and have them fall right in line?
The list goes on a mile long, but you get the gist. But that wouldn’t happen in your state, in your country, in America, the land of the free… right? How much do you remember from civics class? Did you take a civics class in school? If you did, was anything you ever learned put into practice? Probably not. Here’s the short of what I’m getting at: The government’s job is to protect our rights. To create equal laws. Its purpose is to serve the people and uphold the constitution. Do you feel like that’s happening right now? I don’t. I can’t even recall a time when I felt like my voice was heard or that government was looking out for the people. But it’s truly out of control this year. Everywhere in this country. The government isn’t responsible for us, and it’s certainly not meant to reign over us. If you’re living in fear of the government, that’s tyranny. If you’re being told how to live your life by the government, that’s tyranny, that’s dictatorship, and you certainly wouldn’t see that in America…..right? Yesterday evening I attended an event put on by Rep. Heather Scott and Health Freedom Idaho at Julia Davis Park. I saw her speak at the Capitol in Boise on Tuesday (read about the rally here). She was amazing, as many of the 15 that showed up for that special session were. I was inspired, and felt some hope, and unity, and like my voice, and the voice of the people around me in the gallery were being heard. Sure we didn’t get a resolution we had hoped for, but for the first time ever in my life, I felt like there’s actually people, legislators that care and really do want to do their job. They want to be a voice for the people and uphold their oath and the Constitution. My initial impression of Heather is that she’s down to earth, approachable, passionate, and empowering. She wants to keep America a Republic and she wants people to understand their rights. Really quickly, I’m going to do my best to sum up the topics she discussed, what I got from her presentation "Plannedemic":
Okay, awesome presentation, Heather. Seriously, she was hitting the nail on the head with all of her points she wanted to make. And she didn’t leave us hanging. She did give some pointers. In case you didn’t know, a representative’s job is to uphold the constitution and make laws. If you want the government to hold your hand then you don’t want to live in a free nation. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Folks, that’s where we are. Right now. What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to lose? So here’s some pointers by Rep. Heather Scott:
That’s it in a nutshell. Everything I can remember from her talking points. After her presentation, I had an opportunity to talk with her. She’s totally approachable. I loved that about her. She listens. She really wants to listen to you, so speak up. She wants to answer your questions and if she can’t she’s going to find how she can get you an answer. She wants people to be empowered. Personally, I’ve never felt so inspired by a politician. I’ve pretty much had a cynical outlook on politics and believing that I’d never be heard out or find a politician that truly wants to be a voice for the people and keep freedoms intact. I also have never felt truly confident and empowered in politics or exercising my rights. I absolutely plan to take this more seriously. Back when William was young I took time to sit with him, to educate him, and discuss the Constitution, branches of government, and this country’s history. It’s still one of the most memorable and still ongoing topics I share with my son. I recognize this year though just how much I have to learn and get active in practicing and following through with. I am going to be following through with some of Rep. Heather Scott’s suggestions. I definitely plan to take a more active role in my life by really, truly getting a solid understanding of my rights and how to use them. I sincerely hope this isn’t the last time I get to chat with her. Now to get really personal, because that’s what I do, it’s my blog, my story, my experience. I’m not here to just lay out what was said. This week has been a whirlwind for me. Since this is my family blog and I only share it with my family and friends 99% of the time, you know my story. This year has been truly tough for me with my health challenges and having another baby. I’ve been pretty isolated for the last year, with most of my contact being mainly doctors and home health care nurses. I’m dealing with that aftermath, but I’m finally starting to get a glimpse of my old drive, my passion, my fire. I want to get back to life, back to feeling like I’m actually living. I’m going to cling to that, because life is meant to be lived. Lived not in isolation but lived out with others. Not suffering. Not in pain. Not in silence. Not in stigma. I’m an introvert. Getting out as much as I have, every day this week, meeting new people, getting involved, and learning, has been a bit overwhelming. But in a good way. I feel like I’ve met some strong, vocal, badass women. I’ve met other moms. I’ve met like-minded people. I’ve attended a session at the Capitol and listened to reps discuss a proclamation, and actually had the opportunity to meet and chat with a representative. The last couple of weeks I was emailing reps and senators and went out to sign the petition to recall the governor. A leaf is turning. We must persevere if we want to keep this country a free nation. We all have to step up and do better. We have to do better for our children, for each other, and for ourselves. Don’t lose yourself to the propaganda and fear. Remember who you are. Get in touch with that light and love inside. Get right with yourself. Get right with God. Go do some good in the world. Fight for what’s right. Exercise your rights. Learn how to connect with people again. And I don’t just mean because of all the isolation this year. We’ve all been far too removed from one another for far too long. I’m always learning. I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zones. We can all do this. Now, this introverted, tired momma is going to go hang out in the sunshine with my babies, lie out on the grass and ground myself a bit, then go for a walk. This the weekend is busy, too, with a birthday party for my sweet little niece and a photoshoot for my dear friend that just had a baby. I will be living my life and being with people I care about, and getting out. I will be working on growing that light inside of me that’s been darkened so badly in the last year and more so since this crisis happened in the world and our country. I’m taking a stand for my life and I’m going to live it. I urge you to do the same. Read The People's Rally
Today was a historic day for Idaho, and I’m proud to say I was witness to it. I exercised my Constitutional rights by attending the people’s rally at the Capitol and to support legislators meeting and speaking up about their thoughts on what’s happening in Idaho. In short, the big goal is to end the state of emergency that Gov. Little has placed on Idaho. What we got from today was 15 of 105 reps sharing a proclamation.
Firstly, the mainstream media (MSM) wants to portray today’s event at the Capitol as a bunch of whining, radical right wing extremists. I’ll tell you, I was there firsthand and that wasn’t my impression at all. What I saw were people that want to stand up for and protect their rights and freedoms as Idahoans and Americans. They want to protect their families and they want a secure future, which as all of us in America can agree on, is that the future feels very unclear right now. I heard people talking about losing their jobs, homes, people that couldn’t get medical treatment because of shutdowns, rates of mental illness on the rise. I heard talk about how they fear their children and grandchildren’s future will be spent paying the price for the shutdowns and money being handed out by the government. I heard people talking mostly about the loss of freedoms and their desire to protect America’s Constitution and the Constitution of Idaho. I heard from a woman from Romania that experienced tyranny firsthand and recognizes what’s happening in America now. These weren’t radical people wanting to overthrow government. They’re patriots. They’re constitutionalists. They’re parents. They’re business owners. They’re homeowners. They gathered peacefully. They want to be heard. And with that said, I’m part of this they I refer to as well. I’m a mom. I want my parental rights secured and medical freedom. I want the Constitution to be upheld. I want a safe, free state and country to raise my children in. I want to know that the checks and balances that should be taking place in our government are working. And when things are going wrong I want to be heard. I want to have these genuine conversations and I want solutions to the problems we’re facing. I’ll be really honest here; I’m not one to easily make choices to get involved with much of anything. I’m very reserved for the most part, shy, introverted, and cautious. Now people that know me well, sure no problem being open with them, but that’s few. I don’t like rush hour traffic; crowds, public speaking, grocery shopping when the store is busy, and I tend to just be a homebody. It took a lot for me to walk up to a crowd of people where I didn’t know anyone, during a rally, in a time like this that our country is facing. I was nervous. I just know that I can’t sit here any longer watching the country fall apart, and turn out to either be only a thumb twiddling keyboard warrior, or disassociate by putting my head in the sand and hoping everything just gets better. I have my own beliefs and opinions, and they aren’t typically on the popular side, they aren’t typically mainstream, but unless you know me well, you just won’t know what I think about certain things, because I stopped opening up and sharing my thoughts a long time ago about issues that are triggering and divisive for so many. Although today may not have ended with a clear path towards ending the state of emergency Idaho has been placed under, it was a positive experience. I’m so happy I went to the Capitol today to witness and be a part of this rally. During this “special” session as it’s being referred to I was inspired, moved, and motivated by not only the people that were there, united and peaceful, but very much by the brave representatives that attended. Why are they brave? Because they are speaking up. Because they are upholding their oath in a time when they will take so much heat for what they spoke today. Because they’re facing threats and pressure from the top down. They came and they heard the people, they are being a voice for the people, they’re doing what they swore an oath to do. First off, when they entered the House they didn’t just sit at their marked seats. They pulled their chairs around in a circle and gathered with us, with each other. Right then I was impressed by the action to show that this is a conversation, this is not divisive, or an us vs. them, they were there to be a voice for us and to work together. The session was opened with prayer, so the Spirit of God was called on, and I believe that’s important. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, we took a seat and the reps began with the reading of a proclamation stating their concerns for the state of Idaho and the country, and things that are happening that are unconstitutional. There were definitely concerns that our country is under attack. There were concerns about how our Governor has been handling things this year and his overreach of power. The proclamation lets other legislators know and the Governor know where they stand. We didn’t get a resolution, which means there’s still a lot more effort that needs to be made in order to get our freedom, government, and rights back in Idaho. The mainstream media (MSM) is going to eat these reps alive and the people that attended. Patriots have got to unite and stand together as we move forward to keep fighting for our rights in Idaho. All of Idaho’s representatives should’ve been in attendance. Some were opposed. Some were under the belief that is was actually unconstitutional to be there. Some were there, but were hanging back in the hallway, not being a part of the session. Some may’ve wanted to see support from the people, because they’ve been threatened or simply know that MSM will come for them. Whatever the reasons are for the reps not in attendance, honestly, in my opinion, doesn’t trump the fact that they took an oath to be a voice for the people and to uphold the Constitution. Every single one of them should’ve been there to deliberate. It’s a violation to their oath of office they were elected into. Idaho needs its reps and senators to read and sign the proclamation. Our Governor has suspended rights in Idaho. He has suspended parental rights, instilling contact tracers, he has suspended 200 statutes. He has taken 1.25 billion dollars from the federal government. Gov. Little is drafting, amending, and suspending statutes without legislature. He’s violating separation of powers. He’s violating the checks and balances that are supposed to be in place. Last I checked this is the United States of America, a republic, and he seems to have forgotten that he can’t reign as a tyrannical king over Idaho. Here’s the thing, our legislators should be meeting, and they should be reconvening on the 90th day after a state of emergency has been declared. We need to terminate the state of emergency. We need our rights back. We need to be able to parent without fear, run our businesses, go to work, attend churches, attend gatherings, have medical freedom, and quit living in fear. We need our reps to be our voice, but they’ve been deemed non-essential like the rest of us. Meanwhile our Governor has formed his own advisory board. This isn’t about overthrowing the government. It’s about being intelligent, respectful, having heart, and ensuring we can protect our freedoms and Constitution. We have to get the legislature to meet for an emergency session. We, as the people need to support our legislators to be able to do their job. I heard 15 reps speak today. They had backbones, heart, passion, and came across absolutely genuine. They care deeply about their job, their state and country, the people, their own family, and freedoms. Some of us sitting in the gallery were moved to tears. At times, it was challenging to not want to stand up and applaud them for sharing their thoughts, fears, hopes, and wisdom. It gave me hope to listen to them today. I was moved. And just as so many of us sitting there listening were proud of them, they were in turn proud of us for being there, too. Because it’s we the people that must take action, stay informed, and realize that what we put in is what we get back, or at least ought to be, right? These are disheartening and frightening times. Everyone has something to be pissed off about, scared of, but what can we do about it? What can you do? Can you take the time to attend these events? Can you take the time to meet new people? Can you take the time to write or call your local reps, senators, and sheriffs? Can you take the time to educate legislators what you support and don’t support? Can you build relationships with people? Can you have conversations that are productive? The biggest hindrance to today’s session is the fact that only 15 of 105 reps attended. The people that weren’t there that needed to be there. There’s divisiveness every direction we look and there’s fear. Tyranny is taking place. People are confused. When people are scared and confused they don’t act or they bicker or as we’re seeing all over the place they get violent. I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I want to live and it’s absolutely not how I want my children to grow up. Maybe like I did, I had to gut check myself, I had to put my fears aside, I had to put my cynicism aside and I had to be present, listen, and be a part of taking action. It felt good. And I thank God it was a peaceful assembly, which is a great example of coming together during this time in our country. I have found myself feeling overwhelmed by so many things this year. But I can tell you it felt great to go attend this event today, to be a part of history in the making, to be a part of the people, to care deeply and want to get involved, in person, to learn, to have a firsthand experience and not just what MSM feeds a steady diet of. I’m ready for more of this. Ready for more action to support, to not be a victim to the injustice that’s happening all over, and to take a role in my life and for the lives of my children, and probably grandchildren that will be affected by what’s happening this year. I’d like to end this on a note of deep gratitude for the 15 brave reps that spoke up today. On a note of honesty, I don’t claim to know all of your track records or everything you’ve voted for or against, either. I just know that after listening to each of you speak today, which each of you seemed to speak from your heart, with passion, off the cuff, and I was moved by it. You have my love and support to get back to your job, which is essential, which is needed and to do what’s best for Idahoans and to end this state of emergency and get our rights back.
Stella, my sweet little star, you're a dream come true. We just love having you here. You're so adored.
You sleep well and like to nurse. You're getting to be fun. You're always absorbing everything going on around you. You're super curious. You lift your head a lot and practice trying to lift yourself when you're on your tummy, although you don't care for tummy time. You love playing with your hands and are fascinated with different sounds that toys and rattles make. Government cannot grant to us, nor revoke from us; our unalienable Rights bestowed upon us by our Creator- those being Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. These statements above are straight from the Declaration of Independence. Today I took a small stand and signed my name to vote out Governor Brad Little. I cannot sit idly by and wring my hands over the loss of rights that has occurred since this pandemic started. Gov. Little has stripped away rights of Idahoans. He has stripped away parental rights, he stands to take away medical freedom, he has shut down businesses, and he’s shown himself to be incapable of handling the power that comes with his leadership position as governor of Idaho. Our unalienable Rights have been deemed insignificant and have been treaded on in the name of public safety. Idahoans need a leader that stands up for and protects the Constitution. He has suspended parental rights. For me, personally this is a HUGE red flag. He has proposed there won’t be any back to “normal” without forced vaccinations. Again, another red flag, as I stand for people being able to choose their medical care. He has deemed what businesses are essential and which ones aren’t, therefore denying people the right to work. He has closed down churches and the polls. Small businesses are being destroyed in this SCAMDEMIC. Rates of depression, anxiety, and suicides have risen as people are being forced to isolate and lose their livelihoods. He is enforcing and hiring contact tracers. He is demanding compliance to irrational guidelines, guidelines which aren’t laws. These are only some of the issues that compel me to take a stand and sign my name to recall him. It takes 20% of registered voters to recall a governor in Idaho. Time will tell. Regardless of what happens, I won’t sit by, being a keyboard warrior or wringing my hands over the loss of rights this country is facing without doing the least I can by signing my name with the hopes for something better for Idaho. |
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