Math has never been easy for me. I spent most of my childhood and teen years and even some of college, in tears, because math was so dang hard for me. I have found myself frustrated at times trying to teach my son when it comes to math, because to this day, when I see math problems my brain goes into panic mode in a split second. It seems no matter how many times I sit and work on math I forget formulas every single time. We are now starting a new curriculum through Oak Meadows distance learning. Lesson one begins with fractions, so right off the bat I am feeling discouraged, but thankfully this curriculum comes with a teacher's manual. However, after going through the manual and instructions, I seemed to be spacing out from the get go. I might as well be trying to read Chinese. It took me an hour, but I got through two problems and refreshed my memory on a couple simple fractions. The second one ended up being an improper fraction and I had to remember how to simplify that. After spending fifteen minutes trying to remember, and messing up over and over, I finally looked for a Youtube video, In the end we got through 12 problems, no tears, and had fun. So if you need a refresher yourself, here ya go, or maybe just a laugh at my expense. ;)